Citizen of the Kingdom

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Basics of the Kingdom - Introduction

The decision to study the chapters 5, 6 and 7 of the Gospel according to Matthew came out of desire to see, in a more clear way, the role of those who have received the adoption of God through Christ thus having the privilege of entering the kingdom as a new child of God.
As we teach our children to become good citizens, passing on values so they can be productive in society, we should also bring the same efforts in a concrete and tangible way into the reality of those who entered the kingdom of God. It is of utmost importance to impress into their hearts that even though we live in this world we are not of this world; we belong to a different realm, with different values and standards.
In these chapters we will find all the resources we need for the basics, the fundamental rules for our living on this world as children of God, fully functioning as citizens of God’s kingdom. The difficulty that many have encountered as they become new children of God is that there is very little emphasis on how to reeducate our minds in the new values that we are suppose to live from that point on.
Proverbs teaches us that for lack of counseling, teaching, or vision the people will be lead astray (Prov.11:14). Unfortunately, this has been the reality of many congregations, who in a way have received brand new spiritual “babies” but have not taught them a new way of thinking, new standards and values.
Since the new ones have no new base of values being passed on to them, whenever there is a situation where their character is put to test they will rely on their previous experiences and worldly standards and values, this is what Paul calls relying on the flesh, a lack of resource or a new thinking of what to do as citizens of the kingdom when are tempted and challenged by the daily struggles of our lives. Jesus knew that before He could reveal deep truth about Him and the Father, in order to establish a NEW KINGDOM, it was necessary to bring a whole new thinking, a full contradiction to the normal “logic” practiced in the “Kosmos”, the world system.
The apostle Paul teaches us that the message of the gospel is craziness for those who perish. It’s impossible to understand the logic of the kingdom without full reliance on the Holy Spirit; only through Him we are able to start grasping the reality of the kingdom in our own lives. The evidence of a new born child in the Kingdom, born of the Spirit as Jesus told Nicodemus, is consisted of three things: Recognition, confession and proclamation.
First we recognize our imperfections, our original state, our fallen nature, calling upon God as we humble ourselves throwing away the pride that so much has corrupted us and taken us so far from our creator. Second we confess Him as the only one who is able to restore us from our fallen nature, restore us to the fullness of what He intended for us from the beginning. Confess with our mouths His sovereignty and Lordship over our lives and embracing the Salvation He has offered us from Calvary. Third we proclaim His works in our lives; we proclaim to the world the great things that the Lord has done to us. As we proclaim we also worship, entering in an attitude of praise and gratitude. These three things must be part of our lives, every day, it is the essence of who we are, who we become as we embrace our new citizenship in Christ.It is my desire that through this course the people of God, no matter how long they have been in the Kingdom may understand in a deeper way our role as Citizens of the Kingdom of God in this world.


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